How they can steal money from those who want to apply for rental housing in Astana

Scammers offer Astana residents assistance in applying for participation in the “Rent-free housing” program for a fee.
Applications for participation in the “Rent-free housing” program will start in Kazakhstan on September 23. Astana residents from two categories can participate in it: “large families” and “socially vulnerable segments of the population”.
At the same time, fraudsters have already become more active, who, hiding behind the state program, are trying to deceive citizens. According to the Department of Housing and Housing Inspection of Astana, some persons offer assistance to residents of the city for a fee in applying for participation in the program.
In this regard, the department urged citizens to remain vigilant and in no case use such services. Citizens can apply for participation on their own, and the procedure itself is simple and does not require special skills. It turns out that by paying scammers, citizens will simply waste money.
Moreover, by using the services of “assistants”, potential participants risk losing even more money, because such help not only does not guarantee a place in the program, but can also lead to the leakage of confidential information.
The thing is, you need an electronic digital signature (EDS) when you submit your application. Having obtained it, attackers can use the EDS in their illegal actions.
If Kazakhstanis have any questions during the application process, they can ask for help from the technical support team by calling +77172251325, from the Housing Fund – +77172280959 or by texting WhatsApp number +7776198 2970. You can also come to the Housing Center at the address: 32 Republic Avenue, Astana.

How they can steal money from those who want to apply for rental housing in Astana

Scammers offer Astana residents assistance in applying for participation in the “Rent-free housing” program for a fee.
Applications for participation in the “Rent-free housing” program will start in Kazakhstan on September 23. Astana residents from two categories can participate in it: “large families” and “socially vulnerable segments of the population”.
At the same time, fraudsters have already become more active, who, hiding behind the state program, are trying to deceive citizens. According to the Department of Housing and Housing Inspection of Astana, some persons offer assistance to residents of the city for a fee in applying for participation in the program.
In this regard, the department urged citizens to remain vigilant and in no case use such services. Citizens can apply for participation on their own, and the procedure itself is simple and does not require special skills. It turns out that by paying scammers, citizens will simply waste money.
Moreover, by using the services of “assistants”, potential participants risk losing even more money, because such help not only does not guarantee a place in the program, but can also lead to the leakage of confidential information.
The thing is, you need an electronic digital signature (EDS) when you submit your application. Having obtained it, attackers can use the EDS in their illegal actions.
If Kazakhstanis have any questions during the application process, they can ask for help from the technical support team by calling +77172251325, from the Housing Fund – +77172280959 or by texting WhatsApp number +7776198 2970. You can also come to the Housing Center at the address: 32 Republic Avenue, Astana.