rental housing with a buyout

Program conditions

Within the framework of the State Program of housing and communal development «Nurly Zher» for 2020-2025 (approved on 31.12.2019 No. 1054), “Kazakhstan Housing Company” JSC continues to implement the direction of providing rental housing with the right of redemption.

Rental housing with foreclosure is sold to employees of subordinate organizations of state/non-state legal entities with which relevant agreements have been concluded, on the following conditions:

  • Lease term with redemption – up to 20 years;
  • No down payment;
  • The possibility of attracting guarantors in case of insufficient income;
  • After the expiration of the lease period, the housing becomes the property of the tenant;
  • The possibility of early purchase of housing before the end of the lease term.

Program participants

For LEB queue holders

Rental housing with redemption is sold to those on the waiting list of local authorities, in the order of priority, determined in accordance with the current housing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the following categories:
  • large families;
  • single-parent families;
  • families with or raising disabled children;
  • orphans, children left without parental care; cants;
  • civil servants *, military personnel, employees of special state bodies *, employees of budgetary organizations
  • disabled people 1, 2 groups

At the same time, 50% of housing is sold to persons from the above categories who are married for at least 3 years, have children (child), and the age of both spouses has not reached 35 years old (at the time of application for participation in the Program), as well as incomplete families in which children (a child) are raised by one of the parents under the age of 35, including a divorced, widow.

For healthcare and education workers

Rental housing with purchase is sold to the participants in the direction belonging to the following categories:
  • from the number of its own employees and employees of subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • from the number of employees and employees of subordinate organizations of the Department of Education, the Department of Health at Akimats, with which there are agreements on cooperation.

The lists of participants are formed directly by the Departments, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

List of documents and their consideration

PDF List of documents provided by the program participants.

If there is housing available for sale under the lease-to-buy program, “Kazakhstan Housing Company” JSC sends a letter to state/non-state legal entities with which the relevant cooperation agreements have been concluded, and information on the housing being sold, for the formation of lists of applicants.

The lists formed based on the results of work with state/non-state legal entities are sent to “Kazakhstan Housing Company” JSC to determine solvency.

The distribution of housing among the participants of the program is carried out in an automated mode on the website of JSC «Kazakhstan Housing Company», where participants independently select and book housing (apartments).

Lists of program participants

For LEB queue holders

Lists of passed and unsuccessful participants are numbered in alphabetical order. This numbering is not related to the sequence of the Program participant in the local executive body.

Updated information on applicants for participation in the Nurly Zher Housing Construction Program (Regional Development Program until 2020) (hereinafter – the Program) by regions, as of 03/05/2021

List of participants Nur-Sultan

List of participants in Karaganda

List of participants in Karaganda (refusal)

For healthcare and education workers

Lists of passed and unsuccessful participants are numbered in alphabetical order.
Information on applicants for participation in the Nurly Zher Housing and Utilities Development Program for 2020-2025 (for employees of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as their subordinate organizations) by region, as of 03/05/2021

List of participants who passed the solvency test in Nur-Sultan

List of participants who did not pass the solvency test in Nur-Sultan

List of participants who passed the credit check in Karaganda

List of participants in Nur-Sultan from the Akimat of 06/26/2021

List of developer companies

For LEB queue holders

Select a developer:

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Measures to resolve problem debts

  1. Conditions and procedure for debt settlement and measures applied to an insolvent borrower/tenant/buyer

In case of formation of overdue debt on obligations, the borrower /tenant/buyer has the right to apply to the company with an application for debt restructuring.

The restructuring of overdue debts under lease agreements with redemption/purchase and sale agreements of real estate with installment payment is carried out in the following ways:

    1. write-off of penalties accrued for late fulfillment of obligations under the lease agreement;
    2. amortization of rent arrears;
    3. provision of deferred payment of lease payments;
    4. change in the period of restoration of the guarantee fee;
    5. conclusion of an agreement on the settlement of a dispute (conflict) by way of mediation.

The restructuring of overdue debt under mortgage agreements with repurchase is carried out in the following ways:

    1. amortization of overdue debts for a period of 3 to 36 months or until the end of the contract;
    2. restructuring of the loan by granting a deferral;
    3. transfer of debt obligations/renewal of ownership;
    4. assignment of the rights of claim on the problem loan to third parties;
    5. accrual/reversal/write-off of interest on problem loans;
    6. other ways of restructuring problem loans that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal documents of the Company.
  1. Measures taken by the company in case of non-fulfillment by the borrower/tenant/buyer of the requirements

In accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the terms of contracts, in case of non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment of the obligations of the borrower, the company has the right in accordance with the established procedure:

    1. apply to a notary for the execution of an executive inscription;
    2. apply to the court with a statement of claim for termination of the contract, debt collection and eviction of the tenant (and persons living together with him);
    3. to make a non-acceptance and indisputable withdrawal of money from any bank accounts of the borrower to repay the debt;
    4. apply any measures provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) the terms of the contract, including changing the terms of the contract, file a lawsuit to recover the amount of debt under the contract, as well as foreclose on mortgaged property out of court (except for cases provided for by the legislative act of the Republic of Kazakhstan on mortgage of immovable property property) or in court.