Kazakhstan Housing Company took part in the work of the Republican Forum of developers

Today in the capital on the platform of the Forum Current issues of the construction industry and prospects for its development’, organised by the Association of Builders of Kazakhstan and timed to its 20th anniversary met representatives of Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC, Otbasy Bank JSC, NCE RK Atameken, authorised bodies in the field of construction, local executive bodies, as well as construction companies.

The Forum program included two large-scale panel discussions with leading experts in the field of civil engineering.  The first session was devoted to the current realities in construction and the main initiatives of the state aimed at changes in the industry.  The focus is on approaches to public procurement, pricing trends, mortgage programs, changes in the field of equity participation, digitalization in the construction industry.

Within the framework of the second discussion ‘Development of the construction industry: problems and prospects’, the participants touched upon the issues of integrated development of urban areas, trends and promising areas of development, tools to support the construction business and many others.

‘As part of the digitalisation of shared construction, Kazakhstan Housing Company has developed a new version of Qazreestr – Qazreestr 2.0. The main innovation of Qazreestr 2.0 is the implementation of the functionality to conclude electronic TAs by means of EDS or QR code in the eGov Mobile application in online mode, as well as their subsequent automatic verification and registration in the information system.

This solution minimizes the risks of falsification of the TA, and also increases the convenience of obtaining a public service, since the registration period for the TA is reduced from 3 days to several hours. In addition, Qazreestr 2.0 plans to launch a business process for issuing permits to LEA to attract shareholders, as well as registration of participation agreements in housing and communal services by the end of the year,” commented Altai Kuzdibayev, Chairman of the Management Board of Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC.

 For reference: Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC (the sole shareholder is Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC) is a single housing construction operator, whose activities are aimed at implementing state housing policy, increasing the provision of high-quality and comfortable housing for the population of the country, including by providing support to the construction industry.

 Press Service
Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC
+7 7172 797575, add. 2720
pr@khc.kz, www.khc.kz

Kazakhstan Housing Company took part in the work of the Republican Forum of developers

Today in the capital on the platform of the Forum Current issues of the construction industry and prospects for its development’, organised by the Association of Builders of Kazakhstan and timed to its 20th anniversary met representatives of Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC, Otbasy Bank JSC, NCE RK Atameken, authorised bodies in the field of construction, local executive bodies, as well as construction companies.

The Forum program included two large-scale panel discussions with leading experts in the field of civil engineering.  The first session was devoted to the current realities in construction and the main initiatives of the state aimed at changes in the industry.  The focus is on approaches to public procurement, pricing trends, mortgage programs, changes in the field of equity participation, digitalization in the construction industry.

Within the framework of the second discussion ‘Development of the construction industry: problems and prospects’, the participants touched upon the issues of integrated development of urban areas, trends and promising areas of development, tools to support the construction business and many others.

‘As part of the digitalisation of shared construction, Kazakhstan Housing Company has developed a new version of Qazreestr – Qazreestr 2.0. The main innovation of Qazreestr 2.0 is the implementation of the functionality to conclude electronic TAs by means of EDS or QR code in the eGov Mobile application in online mode, as well as their subsequent automatic verification and registration in the information system.

This solution minimizes the risks of falsification of the TA, and also increases the convenience of obtaining a public service, since the registration period for the TA is reduced from 3 days to several hours. In addition, Qazreestr 2.0 plans to launch a business process for issuing permits to LEA to attract shareholders, as well as registration of participation agreements in housing and communal services by the end of the year,” commented Altai Kuzdibayev, Chairman of the Management Board of Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC.

 For reference: Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC (the sole shareholder is Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC) is a single housing construction operator, whose activities are aimed at implementing state housing policy, increasing the provision of high-quality and comfortable housing for the population of the country, including by providing support to the construction industry.

 Press Service
Kazakhstan Housing Company JSC
+7 7172 797575, add. 2720
pr@khc.kz, www.khc.kz